The innovation is a miniaturized airborne imaging central server system (MAICSS). MAICSS is designed as a high-performance-computer-based electronic backend that integrates a complete set of power and signal interfaces to serve a suite of advanced LWIR, MWIR, EO, and hyperspectral imaging sensors and an inertial measurement unit for atmospheric and surface remote sensing. MAICSS records continuous precision geo-referenced and time-tagged multi-sensor throughputs to mass storage devices at a high aggregate rate, typically 60 Megabytes/sec. MAICSS compatible sensor packages include 1) NASA's 1024 x 1024 pixel MWIR/LWIR dual band QWIP imager, 2) a 39 Megapixel BuckEye EO camera, and 3) a fast (e.g. 200+ scanlines/sec) and wide swathwidth (e.g. 1920+ pixels) CCD/InGaAs imager based VNIR and SWIR imaging spectrometer. MAICSS consists of a suite of interchangeable and interconnected modules in precision-machined boxes for flexible system deployment. It has a total solid state compact design with a typical volume of 0.02 m3 and a mass of 16kg. Without hard drives and other moving parts, it is operational at high altitudes and survivable in high vibration environments. MAICSS is a complete standalone imaging server instrument with an easy-to-use software package for either autonomous data collection or interactive airborne operation.