Our proposed future Phase II activities are aimed at developing a scientifically based "tool box" for flight research using scaled models. These tools will be of great use for GA companies in the design, development, and FAA approval of future general aviation (GA) aircraft, in particular also when novel technologies such as active flow control, circulation control, etc. are being considered. We will demonstrate that time, cost, and risk associated with the development and flight testing of future GA aircraft and GA relevant technologies, can be greatly reduced by performing part of the flight research program using dynamically scaled models. As part of the proposed activities we will design, construct, and perform flight research with a 1/3 dynamically scaled model of the Cirrus SR22.
Potential NASA Commercial Applications: ( Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) The proposed "tool box" for scaled model research (dynamically scaled models, CFD and FE codes, high performance computing, wind and water tunnel capabilities) will be of great use for NASA and fits perfectly with respect to NASA's strategic goal to develop new technologies for general aviation, e.g., for achieving a breakthrough with regard to efficiency, affordability, safety, etc. (as expressed by NASA's strategic sub-goal 3E and NASA's Research Opportunities in Aeronautics program). NASA is already developing dynamically scaled modeling technology focusing on large passenger airplanes (Boeing 757). Emphasis of the NASA program is on studying the post-stall and spin dynamics of large transport airplanes.Therefore, with our focus on GA aircraft (allowing larger scaling of the models) considerable synergisms could result from our collaboration with NASA. NASA also has a strong interest and many research activities in passive and active flow control. The proposed flight test program using scaled aircraft for investigating flow control strategies will therefore enable collaboration with NASA in this area.
Potential NON-NASA Commercial Applications:
: ( Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) With the tools, expertise, resources, and capabilities developed in Phase II we will be able to provide "Services for Scaled Flight Research". We will first focus on the needs of GA companies and provide state-of-the-art scaled flight research services. We will offer all necessary tools (dynamically scaled modeling, CFD and FE codes, high performance computing, wind and water tunnel tests) and will thus provide services to GA companies in the development of new products and technologies. Thus we can offer scientifically based scaled flight research services prior to prototype development. The immediate goal is to focus on the GA industry for small aircraft (4-6 passengers) with the Cirrus SR22 as a prototypical current, state-of-the-art airplane in this category (Cirrus already suggested an immediate use of our proposed scaled model approach for investigating stall/spin entries and a look at the effect of leading edge droop on spin resistance). Then we plane to move down and up the scale, for example: light sport aircraft (LSA, 2 passenger single engine), twin engine very light jets (VLJ, 4-8 passenger jets), business jets, and small regional jets. Small GA companies generally do not have the experience and resources to develop such scaled model testing expertise because it would not be economically sensible since development and testing is only needed at certain phases of airplane development. NASA's technology taxonomy has been developed by the SBIR-STTR program to disseminate awareness of proposed and awarded R/R&D in the agency. It is a listing of over 100 technologies, sorted into broad categories, of interest to NASA.
Technology Taxonomy Mapping: Airframe Composites Simulation Modeling Environment Structural Modeling and Tools Testing Requirements and Architectures