Automated Feature Extraction from Hyperspectral Imagery
Award last edited on: 3/13/2021

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Stuart Blundell

Company Information

Visual Learning Systems Inc (AKA: VLSI Standards Inc)

1719 Dearborn
Missoula, MT 59801
   (406) 829-1384
Location: Single
Congr. District: 00
County: Missoula

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
In response to NASA Topic S7.01, Visual Learning Systems, Inc. (VLS) will develop a novel hyperspectral plug-in toolkit for its award winning Feature AnalystREG software that will (a) leverage VLS' proven algorithms to provide a new, simple, and long-awaited approach to materials classification from hyperspectral imagery (HSI), and (b) improve state-of-the-art Feature Analyst's automated feature extraction (AFE) capabilities by effectively incorporating detailed spectral information into its extraction process. HSI techniques, such as spectral end-member classification, can provide effective materials classification; however, current methods are slow (or manual), cumbersome, complex for analysts, and are limited to materials classification only. Feature Analyst, on the other hand has a simple workflow of (a) an analyst providing a few examples (e.g., pixels of a certain material) and (b) an advanced software agent classifying the rest of the imagery based on the examples. This simple yet powerful approach will be used as a new paradigm for materials classification. In addition, Feature Analyst uses, along with spectral information, feature characteristics such as spatial association, size, shape, texture, pattern, and shadow in its generic AFE process. Incorporating the best spectral classifier techniques with the best AFE approach promises to greatly increase the usefulness and applicability of HSI

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The proposed activities will result in the development of a novel hyperspectral feature-extraction toolkit that will provide a simple, automated, and accurate approach to materials classification from hyperspectral imagery (HSI). The proposed toolkit will be built as an extension to the state-of-the-art technology in automated feature extraction (AFE), the Feature Analyst software suite, which was developed by the proposing company. Feature Analyst uses, along with spectral information, feature characteristics such as spatial association, size, shape, texture, pattern, and shadow in its generic AFE process. Incorporating the best AFE approach (Feature Analyst) with the best HSI techniques promises to greatly increase the usefulness and applicability of HSI. While current HSI techniques, such as spectral end-member classification, can provide effective materials classification, these methods are slow (or manual), cumbersome, complex for analysts, and are limited to materials classification only. Feature Analyst, on the other hand, has a simple workflow of (a) an analyst providing a few examples, and (b) an advanced software agent classifying the rest of the imagery. This simple yet powerful approach will become the new paradigm for HSI materials classification since Phase I experiments show it is (a) accurate, (b) simple, (c) advanced, and (d) exists as workflow extension to market leading products. The deliverables of this proposal will allow HSI products to be fully exploited for the first time by a wide range of users.