Low Cost Design & Manufacturing of GA Cockpit Displays using Projection LCDs
Award last edited on: 3/12/02

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Lance G Turk

Company Information

Vision Micro Design Inc

4071 Hannegan Road Suite T
Bellingham, WA 98226
   (360) 714-8203
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Whatcom

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
A major barrier for the advancement of cockpit systems lies in the display technology. Vision Micro Design, Inc. (VmD) proposes to favorably impact this cost through application of low cost projection LCD techniques. The innovation lies in manufacturing cost reductions and increased performance by utilizing high volume COTS displays and redundantly projecting them onto an easily modifiable projection screen. The result should be a cockpit display system usable by any PFD or MFD manufacturer. VmD will design a Ôproof of conceptÕ projected LCD display unit in Phase I and evaluate the feasibility through cost analysis and performance by flight testing. The goal is to complete a functioning Ôproof of conceptÕ unit and analysis of cost v.s. performance report. VmD has market demand for this innovation. No such process exits today in the GA market.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Commercialization for the projected graphic display will include all applications which need a low cost color graphic display. The specific aviation markets include: Primary Flight Displays (PFD); Multifunction Displays (MFD); Navigational Moving Map Displays; Engine Monitoring and Advisory Displays. Avionics information and control displays; Aircraft situational monitoring displays. The display technology will be marketed to all manufacturers of equipment in need of this type of display on an OEM bas

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
___(NOTE: Note: no official Abstract exists of this Phase II projects. Abstract is modified by idi from relevant Phase I data. The specific Phase II work statement and objectives may differ)___ A major barrier for the advancement of cockpit systems lies in the display technology. Vision Micro Design, Inc. (VmD) proposes to favorably impact this cost through application of low cost projection LCD techniques. The innovation lies in manufacturing cost reductions and increased performance by utilizing high volume COTS displays and redundantly projecting them onto an easily modifiable projection screen. The result should be a cockpit display system usable by any PFD or MFD manufacturer. VmD will design a Ôproof of conceptÕ projected LCD display unit in Phase I and evaluate the feasibility through cost analysis and performance by flight testing. The goal is to complete a functioning Ôproof of conceptÕ unit and analysis of cost v.s. performance report. VmD has market demand for this innovation. No such process exits today in the GA market.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Commercialization for the projected graphic display will include all applications which need a low cost color graphic display. The specific aviation markets include: Primary Flight Displays (PFD); Multifunction Displays (MFD); Navigational Moving Map Displays; Engine Monitoring and Advisory Displays. Avionics information and control displays; Aircraft situational monitoring displays. The display technology will be marketed to all manufacturers of equipment in need of this type of display on an OEM bas