NASA has identified the need for reusable launch vehicles with autonomous control capabilities. The team of Hawk Enterprises and the University of Central Florida (UCF) address this requirement by proposing the development of the Autonomous Payload Recovery System (APRS). UCF has already demonstrated the ability to control a small parafoil using a radio controlled servo mechanism for guidance. The APRS will use a customized Clark Y parafoil along with a computer controlled guidance system to deliver payloads to a user defined landing site. The Phase I deliverable will be a demonstration system incorporating a servo positioning system, a Motorola 68xx Miniboard Controller, a Rockwell Global Positioning System (GPS), a rate gyroscope, and a north seeking compass. A parafoil will be designed using proven high performance airfoils to significantly improve the glide ratio of the existing UCF parafoil. The GPS will increase the accuracy of the landing mechanism and provide data for autonomous control. Navigation and stability will be augmented by using a north seeking compass and a rate gyroscope. The end product will be capable of controlling the landings of payloads that were dropped from airplanes or launched from the ground. Recovered items will be available for subsequent reuse.
Potential Commercial Applications: This project will provide an APRS that appeals to small companies performing scientific upper atmospheric and space research. Some of the commercial applications that apply to this system are: Recover weather instruments usually considered disposable (i.e.: balloon launched radiosondes). Provide real time flight performance data to parachute design companies. Investigate the effect of various flight parameters on existing parachutes during operational tests. Recover payloads safely from private rocket launches. Deliver critical supplies to downed pilots or persons in remote areas. Recover payloads returning from orbit. Deliver food to directly to allies during war without risk of enemy interception. Deliver trucks or armored vehicles to remote locations.