Existing systems for spatial data management in large-scale, geographically distributed, cooperative, digital libraries omit metadata for observing models. The proposed innovation will remedy the omission with new data structures and organization, user interface styles for showing the metadata, and interfaces to support automated data characterization and labeling. Specifically, we will design and implement spatial surrogates that simultaneously represent observations from several points of view using compact software objects. Surrogates mediate transformations of data for analysis displays, intelligent agents and planning software. The Phase I project will design the surrogates, suggest an overall system architecture, and implement proofs-of-concept to show the feasibility of integrating the spatial surrogates with existing system components. One goal is a capability for scientists to understand and control the end-to-end transfer function between sensor and final result. Moreover, the system will enable intelligent agents to work productively and automatically to gather derived metadata and find answers to questions posed by scientists. The greatest benefit of the enhancements may be the improved ability to locate and correlate observations from diverse data archives in order to suggest or prove scientific hypotheses relating to the Earth and its environment.There are two commercial applications. First, the spatial surrogates represent a major enhancement to current Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In this application new components would be licensed for use with an existing GIS. The research goes beyond the flat map data handled by GIS, and could greatly improve AM/FMAutomatic Mapping/ Facilities Management - so that it handles multiple views of physical assets such as buildings, manufacturing facilities, etc. An improved AM/FM product might enable robotic systems to plan and achieve goals within an organization's facilities while updating the spatial data management system during the robot's travels. This completely new product might open a new commercial market beyond the current GIS and AM/FM markets.
Keywords: Phase_I, NASA, Abstract, FY94