The WELS/Radian team proposes to design a system of remotely operated surfacemounted sodar sensor which are networked to measure winds from the surface to 30 m to support space shuttle terminal operations. The system will incorporate automated data quality control to insure readings can be used instantaneously without extensive meteorological review. The system will also include modeling which will correlate wind measurements from each of the sodars in the sensor field. Real-time data from these reading will be displayed in an interactive, graphical user interface (GUI) at each user's site. The GUI graphics will be designed for either shuttle terminal operators or meteorologists and display wind measurements as either graphics superimposed over the geographic area surrounding the space shuttle terminal operations site, or in specified chart form.Clean Air Act: Support of industry and local/regional governments for monitoring and modeling air pollution at Photochemical Monitoring Sites (PAM), and air quality studies required for the granting of permits for new or expanded industrial sites; Airport Terminal Operations: Real-time monitoring, identification, and reporting of wind shear and wake vortex dissipation; U.S. Army: Turbulence impact on optical transmission for communications and weapon systems engagements.low altitude; winds; surface-mounted; sensor; sodar, shuttle; terminal- operations