The development of a low-cost, simple-to-use software package to construct geometric models and grids for concurrent engineering analysis applications is the goal of this project. The software package will consist of an interactive CAD program to construct the geometric model, an unstructured finite-element grid generator to develop the computational grid network, a post processing color graphics package for displaying the results, and interface software which restructures the grid and sets up the required boundary conditions for SINDA, TRASYS, and ANSYS computer programs. The tool will be structured for an engineering work- station with a UNIX operating system. Each software module in the analysis package can be run in an independent mode; however, each module will be linked with menus to permit interactive sequential runs of the individual codes. The user will have the option to construct a geometric model with CAD, compute a finite-element grid network for the model, and compute structural temperature distributions using the grid network with the finite-element thermal analyzer (FEHEAT) or transform the grid for SINDA application using a finite-element to finite-difference translator. The user can also output the surface grid for a TRASYS radiation analysis, or interpolate structural temperatures computed with either FEHEAT or SINDA onto an ANSYS grid for structural analysis. Operation codes will be restricted to only those developed by the company.
Potential Commercial Applications: This tool can be used in spacecraft and launch vehicle thermal, propulsion, and environmental control system design; power generation system design; electronic component design and packaging; automobile engine cooling, lubrication, and hydraulic systems; HVAC systems; and fire protection systems.