This innovation consists of a programming environment in which execution takes place throughout a (perhaps heterogeneous) network of computing devices. From the programmer's point of view, the language appears as an iconic object flow language (such as Prograph) with a few extensions for attaching salience to selected processes. No knowledge of the network architecture or protocol is required of the programmer. From an execution point of view, the language appears to be a threaded set of remote procedure calls, which may result in execution by any device with the appropriate capability (such as Amoeba). From an operating system point of view, the language appears to reside on a network operating system with an integral database (code store) supporting the remote procedure calls.A successful implementation of this capability could be useful anywhere large numbers of idle computing resources are connected by a communications network. This includes most of the medium to large companies in America. This is particularly interesting when the alternative to this kind of processing is the purchase of a supercomputer or renting time on one.parallelism, languages, networkSTATUS: Phase I Only