Integrated circuits (ICs) on vehicles operating in harsh flight environments experience intense vibrations, high interior temperatures due to aerothermal heating, and shock loading. This, in turn, requires more robust packages to be developed for these electronics to survive these environmental conditions. In this Phase I effort, EngeniusMicro will use the technologies that it has already developed to tackle these challenges. EngeniusMicro will use the principles of generational design, whereby multiple design variants are proposed and then evaluated for each system (e.g., mechanical isolator, ovenization module, die thermal management system, etc.). It is expected that three generations of design will be evaluated. Furthermore, since EngeniusMicro has already made these components in the past, our fabrication facility will be able to produce prototype demonstrators for select designs to verify simulations. The final generational down-selection will feature three designs at the conclusion of the effort, with recommendations made for Phase II prototypes for specific sensing and actuator control electronics. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11215 (27 Jul 22)