Phase II Amount
This Phase II work will develop a methodology for radiation hardness testing of microelectronics. This methodology includes understanding of device physics and irradiation sources, as well as utilization of irradiation facilities and dosimetry of irradiated microelectronics. The methodology necessarily incorporates design of testing procedures, development of experimental setups including microelectronic measurements, and performing statistical analysis of device radiation effects data. Simulations and modeling are important to understand the induced radiation effects at the component level. In Phase I of this project, we began to develop testing methodologies using available radioactive source at the University of Utah (UofU). This included preliminary calculations, experimentation, and formulation of understanding the radiation effects in tested devices (e.g., diodes and MOSFETs) via testing analysis. We completed the goals of Phase I and demonstrated the efficacy of our methodology. In Phase II, we will continue to develop our methodology for testing the radiation effects in microelectronics from gamma- and beta-rays. We will compare the effects on electrical and material properties between the two radiation types to formulate a quantitative mapping of radiation types (gamma and beta) and effects. We will also test the radiation hardness of Rad Hard microelectronics and compare them against standard COTS devices. The project purpose is to: 1) Refine our overall physics-based strategy; 2) Further define the experimental design, guided by analytical calculations, simulations, and prior test results; 3) Measure gamma-ray and beta-ray (electrons) effects in microelectronics using a variety of irradiation sources; 4) develop simulations and models for understanding radiation interaction and induced electrical effects in microelectronics; 5) Develop a table top unit for irradiation testing that can produce photons (gamma-ray energy equivalent x-rays), electrons, and importantly, simultaneously mixed photon/electron radiation fields for microelectronics testing; 6) perform analysis of radiation effects against a variety of parameters (e.g., device powering, radiation TID, radiation type, energy, and duration, device radiation tolerance, etc.). The STTR team for this project is InnoSys, as the small business concern, and University of Utah (UofU) Nuclear Engineering Program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering as the research institute. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11340 (16 Dec 22)