Eos Energetics, together with the University of Colorado Denver proposes a novel combination of three technologies that enable a new design methodology to geometrically optimize rocket motor components for thermal management. We will combine simulation based on lattice Boltzmann methods, topology optimization algorithms, and additive manufacturing in a unique way that efficiently and iteratively optimizes the internal geometries of components for thermal management. Possible component design approaches include the selective injection of insulator material into a complex metal component, the use of convective cooling flow channels, and the design of complex internal heat transfer paths. Optimized thermal management will open the rocket motor design space to hotter propellants, more environmentally resistant internal components, and weight optimized systems. These advantages each lead to higher performing missiles and rockets. Our approach is rooted in the combination of algorithm design together with real-world test data to validate the algorithms. For the Phase I effort, we will use a legacy phenolic rocket nozzle as a baseline design, from which we will gather thermal data. We will then use our proposed approach to geometrically optimize the design, manufacture representative samples, and verify the accuracy of the algorithms with test data from the samples. Approved for Public Release | 21-MDA-11013 (19 Nov 21)