Triton Systems and its partners propose to design and develop high temperature dynamic seals for application in pintle valves. In Phase I, we will model the material requirements to support 3,000 psi pressures at 800°F with low friction, long shelf life, and good chemical compatibility in a solid rocket motor environment. Using the resulting material requirements, we will design and fabricate composite elastomers with enhanced high temperature performance. These materials will be tested in a simulated environment to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. In Phase II, we will continue the material and process development, optimizing the process parameters, and conduct expanded material testing to validate our initial results and begin to generate the required material property database to support transition. Finally, we will work with our commercialization partner to identify an initial insertion point and demonstrate the performance in a representative environment. Approved for Public Release | 21-MDA-11013 (19 Nov 21)