We propose to develop a new approach to labeling and retrieving engineering data: Metadata for an Exploitable Repository of Authoritative Lifecycle Data (EMERALD). EMERALD will enable a more efficient and effective coordinated engineering enterprise by providing mechanisms to: Monitor engineers activity in their digital tools environment; As users create/modify engineering data, semi-automate the assignment of computer-exploitable descriptions (metadata) about the datas structure, content, provenance, and rationale; Automate querying against that metadata to find, access, and deliver engineering data relevant to each engineers current activity; and Provide additional automated engineering team workflow and coordination support by exploiting EMERALDs visibility into engineering activity and understanding of engineering data. During Phase I we will develop requirements, use cases, sample scenarios, and related data for EMERALD. Building on those, we will refine our EMERALD design, develop a Phase I proof-of-concept prototype, and establish a Phase II design and work plan. Approved for Public Release | 21-MDA-11013 (19 Nov 21)