On-Orbit Processing Demonstration for Small Satellite Payload
Award last edited on: 10/4/2022

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Amit Mehra

Company Information

Novi LLC

2800 Shirlington Road
Arlington, VA 22206
   (202) 213-2846
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Arlington

Phase I

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 4/19/2021    Completed: 4/18/2022
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Direct to Phase II

Phase II

Contract Number: HQ0860-21-C-7131
Start Date: 4/19/2021    Completed: 4/18/2022
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
While the last decade has seen explosive growth in the number of small satellites being launched into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for a variety of use-cases, there is a critical need to increase the degree of autonomy through use of “edge intelligence” for data processing and fusion on the collection platform itself (vs. transmitting large amounts of raw information to the ground for “after-the-fact” terrestrial analysis and action). There is particular need for sensor-agnostic, near real-time detection in a low-SWaP (size, weight and power) cross-platform product that can easily be reprogrammed and reconfigured for adaptive imaging in space and exo-atmospheric applications. NOVI proposes to address these needs by developing edge-intelligent payloads capable of processing high resolution imagery on a reconfigurable basis for adaptive detection / classification of different areas and features of interest. The proposed Phase II effort will: Aim to achieve flight and mission readiness for an on-board processing system with integrated Machine Language (ML) detection algorithms; deliver flight-ready payloads that can subsequently be integrated and launched; and conduct a detailed trade study to identify optimal options for a bus (Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) as well as NOVI-developed), and complete the design of an integrated mission-ready spacecraft that can subsequently be procured and developed for launch and on-orbit mission demonstrations in Phase III efforts and beyond. Approved for Public Release |21-MDA-10789 (21 Apr 21)