Phase II Amount
Improved long-range detection, tracking, and discrimination of targets is needed from missiles while in flight. The operational significance in developing this capability is to greatly improve the probability of successful target intercept â providing better target detection, tracking and false-target discrimination than is possible with the currently existing, or even moderately upgraded, on-board sensors. Our solution to this problem is a compact, efficient, functionally-integrated coherent detection ladar subsystem that meets and exceeds the stated customer specifications and adds the capability of precision Doppler which aids in target identification and discrimination. The benefit to MDA of this development effort is the near-term availability of a sensor that can be integrated with future on-board missile sensors, can detect targets to 200 km range, can mitigate interference, can provide very-high-accuracy closing velocity (~ 1 cm/s) and fine range resolution (15 cm) and range precision (~ 1 cm), and is compatible with the harsh missile operating environment. The precision velocity measurement capability of the proposed coherent ladar significantly improves target identification and discrimination and inherently offers additional enhanced measurement modalities including range Doppler imaging. Innovations realized in this development program include the capability to provide target detection at low transmitted peak power compatible with highly-efficient all fiber transmitters, high range resolution and precision. These innovations come via the evolution of a single photon sensitive coherent detection ladar, an efficient high-power Thulium-doped, large-mode-area (LMA) fiber amplifier, wide-band transmitted signal modulation, high-stability programmable reference lasers, and compact and efficient state-of-the art integrated circuits allowing for very compact high-bandwidth signal acquisition and processing. In Phase I, Beyond Photonics (BP) performed trade studies, analysis and modeling, and developed a conceptual design of the proposed ladar. In Phase II we propose to develop a realistic ladar subsystem brass-board and demonstrate that it can achieve the above noted performance in lab and ground-based field testing. Approved for Public Release | 20-MDA-10643 (3 Dec 20