BTS Software Solutions proposes a real-time statistical lossless data compression system to conduct run time lossless compression of multimodal data for MDA applications. To realize the real-time process, we will design block based (BB) adaptive Huffman coding, BB-run-length coding, BB-arithmetic coding, and other block based real-time entropy coding algorithms. The system will use statistical features from the current data block and choose the best compressor. The block sizing will be determined by system capabilities from the object simulation framework (OSF). Phase I will demonstrate the feasibility of block-based real-time coding methods and effectiveness of the system.By combining with our patented low delay, low complexity, lossless compression framework which exceeded 5:1 compression for MDA telemetry data (roughly twice the best commercial compressors) the system can be further improved in Phase II.The system is designed to be easily portable across platforms, adaptable to parallel architectures for greater speed, and can read from any point (block) in a compressed file- impossible with non-audio/video compressors. Commercial applications include improving throughput of streaming applications that use numerical data (space, aviation, telematics, gaming), and reducing storage cost and volume.Approved for Public Release | 17-MDA-9395(24 Oct 17)