The Missile Defense Agency is searching for innovative technologies to implement in future interceptor missiles and kill vehicles that will produce weight savings within the systems. To answer this need, Touchstone Research Laboratory proposes to develop fiber reinforced aluminum (FRA) metal matrix composite components to replace those that were originally made from Ti-6-4. The FRA is able to retain its strength at high temperatures where the titanium alloy starts to see a drop in strength. Given the increase in elevated temperature strength, the components may be made with reduced material usage, leading to weight savings. Phase I work will consist of elevated temperature testing of the FRA material at temperatures like those seen during launch of the missile, evaluating potential component applications, and structural analysis of the selected components to determine how much weight can be reduced. A sub-scale demo article will be made to address possible concerns when fabricating prototypes that will be testing in Phase II, which will consist of building prototype structures and testing them to prove feasibility. Documentation will also be produced that address the manufacturing plan for the prototype articles and the risks of scale up. The proposed endeavor offers an elevated temperature titanium replacement.Approved for Public Release | 18-MDA-9710 (6 Jul 18)