Currently, optical measurements available on target plumes and re-entry wakes are collected by air or ground assets which view the wake/plume photons after having been filtered through the atmosphere. Atmospheric transmission removes significant information needed to anchor models that simulate these phenomena. MDA needs innovative approaches to mount a spectrometer on the aft closure of the RV. This innovation would enable collection of near-field spectral data, unfiltered by the atmosphere. The unfiltered spectral data should improve the current wake/plume models and expand our knowledge of the wake/plume species and the underlying chemistry of the wake/plume phenomena. The plume from a hydrocarbon-fueled rocket engine will contain molecular species CO2 and H2O as well as short-lived radical species such as C2, CO, CH, CN, OH, and NO. The species likely to be observed in the wake of a reentry vehicle are N2, O2, N, O, NO and NO+ from ionized air. These molecules have spectral signatures in the range 200-850 nm. Bodkin Design & Engineering will demonstrate a fast, compact spectral imaging system which will detect these chemical species and which can be flown on a rocket booster or reentry vehicle (RV) to acquire plume/wake data throughout the missiles flight path. Approved for Public Release | 16-MDA-8917 (15 November 16)