Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2020)
Phase II Amount
The Missile Defense Agency is seeking innovative improvements of mature product and material technologies that address increased kinematic performance and containment through reduction of mass, while maintaining or increasing performance. To address this need, VTS has developed, through the MDA SBIR program, advanced interceptor ACS design enabled by a new Hot Gas Valve technology. The design incorporates innovative materials that have balanced structural and thermal properties resulting in breakthrough Hot Gas Valve operation duration. Due to continued threat evolvement and overall desire to reduce weight while increasing system operation time and performance, VTS is proposing, during this SBIR, continued spiral development of the HGV technology that controls multiple solid propellant ignitions, extinguishments and overall control of packaged total propellant impulse. This Phase II SBIR will conduct detailed design and supporting testing to upgrade and validate the long duration HGV technology capable of continuous ACS operation for 1000+ seconds. Approved for Public Release | 16-MDA-8951 (15 December 16)