This project involves research and development of an instrument capable of rapidly distinguishing between counterfeit and authentic semiconductor components. A side benefit is that it can also identify failed semiconductors. Non-contact measurement techniques are used to acquire electromagnetic field emissions generated by all electronic components that are powered-up and stimulated. Counterfeit semiconductors can be detected due to counterfeiting methods and processes that result in measurable differences in internal electronic signals, crosstalk characteristics and electromagnetic field emissions as compared to authentic semiconductors. Testing merely requires the operator to install the suspect component in a socket, select the appropriate part number, and initiate the test. Test results, available in seconds, indicate either ?authentic?, ?counterfeit? or ?failed? within a given range of probability as electromagnetic fields emitted by the suspect component are measured, analyzed, and compared against the electromagnetic emission model of the authentic semiconductor. Hundreds of components could be tested each hour if necessary.
Keywords: Counterfeit, Detection, Test, Electromagnetic Emission, Eme, Semiconductor, Automatic Test, Ate