The Ballistic Missile Defense Review (BMDR) identifies the necessity of more capable missiles systems as a part of the land-based ?Aegis Ashore? Early Intercept (EI) for deployment in 2020. Modern missile systems are constrained by significant weight, volume, and reliability overheads associated with electrical cabling. The embedding of electrical interfaces within the Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) airframe will provide a route towards reduced weight and more reliable systems. Harper Labs, LLC, in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology?s Nanotechnology Research Center will deliver a lightweight graphene-based conductor capable of supporting the increasing complexity and demands on future missile systems, i.e. the SM3 IIB. In the Phase I project, Harper will deliver a superior conductor for embedding into a cylindrical CFRP with a TRL/MRL 4. In Phase II, power/signal-carrying capabilities will be demonstrated in an airframe with a TRL 6/ MRL 7. Technology insertion at the end of Phase I will occur via identified prime partners targeting the SM3-IIB for eventual transition for Phase II and beyond.
Keywords: Composites, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Electrical Cabling, Interconnects, Graphene, Nano-Materials