As feature sizes decrease in digital, analog, and mixed signal devices, susceptibility to neutron single event effects (nSEE) becomes more and more an issue in microelectronics used in commercial and military systems. Satellites, interceptors, avionics, and ground based systems have all been shown to have susceptibilities to neutron induced upsets and latchups. With the constant push to use commercial-off-the-shelf components in all systems, neutron effects in all types of microelectronic components need to be characterized so that parts can be qualified for their specific application. Radiation Assured Devices, Inc. proposes to leverage in-house radiation sources, manufacturer relationships, and existing SEE, Total Dose, and prompt dose test capabilities to develop a comprehensive Neutron Single Event Effects Qualification Guide for microelectronics components needed by modern commercial and military systems. Phase I will include the review of available data, models, and neutron test facilities to produce a draft nSEE Qual Guide. In addition, a validation plan will be developed to guide Phase II testing in support of validation of the qualification guide.
Keywords: Neutrons, Avionics, Neutron-Induced Upset, Testing, Single Event Effects, Radiation