Enhancing HTK Lethality Modeling Tools
Award last edited on: 7/8/2010

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
George Stejic

Company Information

Tesla Laboratories Inc (AKA: Tesla Laboratories Inc)

2711 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22202
   (414) 531-9386
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 08
County: Arlington

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Existing Core simulation models used for defense development and evaluation fail to accurately model lethality for many standoff engagement options such as the use of multiple projectiles and thus cannot validly drive new defense technology development. This program will develop new physics-based computer models for incorporation into existing Core Lethality Models to increase simulation functionality and better predict missile defense strategy effectiveness. This will assist the development of emerging weapon systems tasked to neutralize enemy missile attack threats. The proposed models to be developed will allow simulation of impacts by multiple projectiles and the effects of Fragment Flood Loading (FFL) during impacts in trial interaction scenarios between new candidate standoff engagement lethality enhancing concepts and attacking missiles. Phase I will develop State-of-the-Art FFL models, validate them against known data, and create a simulation tool for modeling the impact, penetration, debris generation and motion, and sympathetic effects such as component failure, fuel loss, and energetic material reaction for multiple projectiles such as targeted by standoff kinetic missile engagement to determine the resultant engagement lethality. This will allow rapid screening, development, and optimization of potential alternative lethality enhancing configurations not adequately covered by existing simulations models such as PEELS.

Lethality Modeling, Sympathetic Effects, Kinetic Engagement, Modeling & Simulation

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Existing M&S engineering tools fail to accurately model new weapons lethality enhancing (LE) phenomena so new a fast-running endgame lethality simulation program was developed. During Phase I fragment flood loading (FFL) effects were successfully incorporated into the Tesla Lethality Simulator and analysis with the tool clearly demonstrated that accounting for FFL effects dramatically changes lethality predictions along with several more subtle effects important to weapon design and use. Phase II will build on Phase I accomplishments to create a system’s view M&S tool for exploring the overall utility and practicality of HTK lethality enhancing options. The TLS will be extended to rapidly deal with a larger number of projectiles. It will also be enhanced to encompass several added lethality phenomenologies relevant to new advanced LE options. Specifically

Lethality Enhancement, Modeling Simulation, Reactive Materials, Projectile Fragmentation