Sensor Data Fusion: Multi-Static Space Object Imaging
Award last edited on: 1/11/2010

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Richard Schneible

Company Information

Stiefvater Consultants (AKA: Research Associates for Defense Conversion)

10021 Hillside Terrace
Marcy, NY 13403
   (315) 338-0932
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 22
County: Oneida

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The goal of this project is to optimize and validate sensor fusion algorithms for the ballistic missile discrimination mission. These algorithms will take data from multiple radars viewing the exo-atmospheric scene from different angles to form two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. The algorithms will consider (1) the coherent processing of multiple monostatic radars and (2) the coherent processing of the data from these radars operating in simultaneous monostatic and bistatic modes. Multistatic radars using simultaneous orthogonal waveforms have a number of independent sources of information (the various monostatic and bistatic returns from the orthogonal waveforms). This data can be employed to provide improved discrimination capability. A ‘rooftop?experiment, viewing a rotating target, will be used in the validation of these algorithms. Note that ISAR imaging of rotating targets is mathematically equivalent to imaging of moving targets ( the objective of the missile defense mission). Existing experimental radars will be used for this experiment. Extension of the algorithms to multiple band radar operation will be investigated.

Ballistic Missile Defense, Discrimination, Sensor Fusion, Multi-Static Radar, Mid-Course Radar

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The goal of this project is to develop, evaluate and demonstrate sensor fusion algorithms for target imaging/discrimination. These algorithms will require data from multiple radars viewing the object from different angles. These radars may operate in different frequency bands (X-band, C-band, S-band, L-band). The algorithms will consider the coherent processing of multiple mono-static radars and the coherent processing of the data from these radars operating in simultaneous mono-static and bi-static modes. Key performance parameters which will be used to compare the sensor fusion approach to single sensor imaging/discrimination will be: (1) image resolution time required to achieve a required resolution, (3) image quality (Radar NIIRS), and (4) ability to form three-dimensional images. This project will develop a multi-static multi-band radar simulation, investigate fusion algorithms and validate these results with a multi-static imaging demonstration. The validated simulation will be employed to evaluate the discrimination performance of various MDA systems and future concepts.

Multi-Static Radar, Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar, Imaging, Discrimination, Simultaneous Orthogonal Waveforms