Reliable, high speed communications are critical to the successful completion of postulated missile defense engagements. Importantly, interceptor kill vehicles (KV) and carrier vehicles (CV) must meet mission performance requirements under hostile threat conditions and while exposed to direct and indirect radiation effects. The interceptor modem is a key communications link. Modem capability and reliability will have a significant impact on achieving mission success. Existing interceptor modems lack the ability to be reconfigured in response to changes in the threat or modified communications protocols. Further, these modems are point-source designs, are specific to individual systems, and lack the performance robustness and design flexibility for use across multiple system platforms. The successful completion of all 3 phases of this effort will result in a radiation hardened modem capable of meeting HAENS performance requirements. A common design strategy will be used to reduce cost and extend utility across multiple systems; appropriate communications protocols will be used to ensure mission performance and advanced re-configurable FPGA technology will be employed to achieve technological robustness. During Phase 1, survivability and performance requirements analysis will be conducted, and a Phase II approach will be developed.
Keywords: Disturbed Environments, High Altitude Exoatmospheric Nuclear Standard (Haens), Radiation Hardened, Re-Configurability, Field Programmable Gate Array (Fpga), Survivable, Interc