Two-color LWIR Sensing for Enhanced EKV/GMD Seekers
Award last edited on: 7/19/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
William S Chan

Company Information

Novaspectra Inc (AKA: Global Business Systems~William S Chan~Chan & Associates~Chan and Associates)

609 Deep Valley Drive Suite 200
Rolling Hills Estate, CA 90274
   (310) 408-3225
Location: Single
Congr. District: 33
County: Los Angeles

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
We propose to develop a dense focal plane array (FPA) tunable between two select long wave infrared (LWIR) bands to extract a missile target from clutter for enhanced lock-on range performance in an exo-atmospheric kill vehicle (EKV) seeker. This FPA consisting of 512x512 pixels of micro interferometric sensing elements is capable of high sensitivity and speed at 300K or 77K. The signals from the select bands are ratioed to achieve a long lock-on range. The entire FPA is processed by CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) and MEMS (micro electro-mechanical system) processes. Phase 1 will analyze and design the FPA structure and layout, delineate the processes for fabrication and fabricate a simple structure to demonstrate its fabricability

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
We set out in phase I to investigate the development a two-color focal plane array (FPA) using an array of micro Fabry-Perot interferometers (MFPIs) for high sensitivity and spectral tuning in two long wave infrared (LWIR) bands aimed at enhancing the lock-on range of exo-atmospheric kill vehicle (EKV) seekers. The results reveal the uniqueness of the MFPI as a sensor as well as a tuner, depending on its interference control. They show that the FPA possesses four innovative features ideal for EKV seekers: (1) it’s dynamically tunable in two bands for an increase in the lock-on range and an enhancement in the decoy counter; (2) it’s superior to state-of-the-art detectors (bolometric or photonic types) for dim missile hardbody detection; (3) it’s operable in cooled and uncooled conditions for compactness; and (4) it’s producible for low-cost production. We propose a phase II program to complete the development of this FPA consisting of 512x512 pixels by performing the following: (1) fabricating the FPA with two-color tuning; (2) incorporating on-chip circuits for readout and tuning control; (3) constructing supporting optics and electronics for tests; and (4) testing its two-color capability. This program will prepare us to commercialize a set of competitive products using the two-color FPA for the defense, medical imaging and thermal imaging markets.

Two-Color Imaging, Micro Interferometer, Micromachining, Fpa, Lwir, Multi-Spectral Imaging, Uncooled.