Based on the initial investigation during the Phase I effort, prototype components for Hardware-In-The-Loop (HWIL) LADAR testing will be fabricated and evaluated. The prototypes include a high voltage output mulitplexer integrated with DAC (MuxDAC) and a high speed MuxDAC, a Level Shifting Amplifier (LSA), and a RAMDAC module for testing. The high voltage MuxDAC will need sample rates of 2.5 GHz and single ended output swings of 5 Volts. The high speed MuxDAC will need a sample rate of at least 4 GHz. The LSA will require 5 Volts single ended out put and a DC to 2 GHz bandwidth. All components require 60 dB linear dynamic range. The integration technique and limitations with regard to full HWIL construction will be assessed. A LADAR projector proof of concept demonstrator will be developed.
Keywords: Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Digital To Analog Converter (Dac), Multiplexer, Direct Digital Synthesizer, Modulator Driver, Ladar, Fpga, Broadband Li