Miniaturized, Low Weight, Low Cost Interceptor Components for the Miniature Kill Vehicle (MKV)
Award last edited on: 4/16/2008

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Paul Hurlburt

Company Information

Vicus Technologies LLC

86 York Street PO Box 1147
Kennebunk, ME 04043
   (207) 985-4200
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: York

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The Miniature Kill Vehicle (MKV) will require a source of power to operate target acquisition systems, seeker system and any divert propulsion once it is deployed from the carrier vehicle. The requirements for the MKV are stringent ion terms of allowable mass and space available to locate the MKV subsystems. As a result, novel materials, manufacturing processes, and materials will be required for this application. The proposed effort will develop a conformal power supply that will be charged during the boost phase of the mission and prior to MKV deployment. Conventional batteries and power supplies will not likely fit into the MKV volume The conformal power supply will require rapid charging since it must be accomplished during the boost phase of the intercept and prior to MKV deployment. To facilitate this, a nano-carbon deposited electrode will be demonstrated that permits rapid charging of a conformal ultracapacitor. Testing will be conducted to confirm the rapid capabilities of the capacitor

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Advanced defensive interceptor systems require a source of power to operate target acquisition, seeker, and divert propulsion systems. As kill vehicle sizes continue to contract, novel power systems are required to minimize weight and of equal importance, to minimize volume. A conformal Ultracapacitor Power Storage Device has been demonstrated in Phase I that provides an energy density approaching 30KW/Kg. In addition to this high energy, the PSD is conformal whereby it can be shaped or packaged into available volume within the missile avionics bay thus eliminating the volume required for the conventional reserve battery cylindrical shape. The proposed effort will expand on this success and demonstrate a conformal PSD that can satisfy the power requirements of the MKV or THAAD interceptors, namely 24 -35V, 1.4 A-hr, 28 amps peak current capability. Carbon nanomaterials will be used to fabricate high carbon fraction electrodes and organic electrolytes will be used to obtain an increase voltage of 3 times previously demonstrated. Ultracapacitor elements will be connected in series and parallel to obtain the power requirements. Characterization testing and shaping will be conducted to maximize power for volume required