HgCdTe devices have continued to be one of the most important types of infrared detectors for the past few decades. One of the superior properties of HgCdTe sensors is their wide detection ability. They are capable of detection in the medium wavelength infrared (3 - 5 mm MWIR) and in the long wavelength infrared (8 - 14 mm) as well. The utilization of the next generation of infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPAs) based upon integrated monolithic multi-color Mercury Cadmium Telluride HgCdTe devices necessitates addressing and solving significant issues regarding, pixel-to-pixel variation in surface conditions and associated performance degradation, repeatable manufacturability and improved process yield. The proposed work aims to develop a new process monitoring capability that will not only enable more repeatable processing of single and multi-color HgCdTe IRFPAs, but a breakthrough-capability to repair surface and near-surface causes of degraded pixel operability. This can be achieved via focusing on the assessment of surface conditions (roughness, domain orientation, stoichiometry or composition and stress) and associating these conditions with performance degradation in the device. Anticipated Benefits/Commercial Applications: In addition to DOD-MDA sensing applications, the outcomes of the proposed work will have significant applications in the fields of medical imaging, weather studies, and generally in situ process sensingcapabilities for Materials processing.
Keywords: HgCdTe, Infrared Sensors, Focal plane Arrays, Process control, Process monitoring, Fabrication quality assessment, Sensor Repair