The development of a Missile Launch Signature Generation code is proposed to produce the time dependent spectral infrared signature of a missile during the launch phase of the flight. The Missile Launch Signature Code would provide valuable support for MDA programs such as BPI and ELDT whose sensor design components depend on the rapid opportunistic use of the launch observables. The rocket exhaust and its impingement on the ground, from either a solid or liquid motor, and the hot gases that escape a launch canister produce robust repeatable observables that can be used for missile detection and typing. The fluid mechanical, chemical, and radiative transport analyses employ approximate solutions producing a very rapid yet accurate solution. Future customized variants of the code would run in real time allowing them to be incorporated into operational systems. The apparent signature for a remote observer employs a transmission library based on MODTRAN calculations or is user supplied. In Phase I the accuracy of various components of the proposed code were demonstrated using comparisons to SPF and SPURC results. The Missile Launch Signature Code will interface with PARCS and SPURC to provide coupled optical and electromagnetic observables.
Keywords: Infrared Signature, Boost Phase Intercept(Bpi), Plume Phenomenology, Missile Launch Modeling, Early Launch Detection And Tracking(Eldt), Missile Typin