Proposed here is the development of AlGaN/GaN HBTs for linear, high temperature operation with very high power density needed to design >400 W output power amplifier modules in the 1-5 GHz frequency band. A successful program would result in a small form factor solid-state alternative to traveling wave tubes in this application regime. The GaN-based HBTs offer high transistor linearity inherent in bipolar designs that is required for economically significant digital transmission applications. The chemically stable, thermally stable, high temperature, high power devices would have numerous commercial applications in aerospace, automotive, portable communications and digital communications industries. Anticipated Benefits and
Potential Commercial Applications: Compact and inexpensive high power transistors for digital transmitters, avionics radar, portable communications and collision avoidance systems, automobile and jet engine electronics, and microwave curing, detoxification and heating. This proposal addresses the need for high power microwave transistors. Blue Lotus Devices proposes to develop AIGaN/InGaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) structures for this application. In Phase I, the heterojunction will be deposited and the electrical and physical properties of the structure characterized. In Phase II, high frequency power HEMTs will be fabricated and tested. The anticipated increase in carrier confinement, sheet carrier concentration and electron mobility will lead to improved power and frequency characteristics of nitride based transistors. Anticipated Benefits and
Potential Commercial Applications: End applications include power transmitters for mobile digital, point to point, and satellite communications; cellular base stations; high definition television; telemetry; and radar tracking. Ill-nitride is an ideal material for high temperature electronics, solar blind UV detectors, and UV to visible emitters.