Wide-Angle Resonant Cavities for Superior Light Emitters
Award last edited on: 10/18/05

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Jack L Jewell

Company Information

Picolight Inc

1480 Arthur Avenue
Louisville, CO 80027
   (303) 530-3189
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Boulder

Phase I

Contract Number: DASG60-96-C-0136
Start Date: 4/15/96    Completed: 10/15/96
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This proposal describes a program to determine the feasibility of forming an entirely new class of optical structures: wide-angle resonant cavities (WARCs). A WARC-structured light emitting diode would have "laser-like" high efficiency and modulation speeds. A WARC-structured vertical cavity laser would have low threshold currents and extremely high speeds. The device characteristics sought are similar to those motivating photonic bandgap research. However, the two approaches differ in that photonic bandgaps emphasize suppression of light emission in lateral directions, while the proposed WARCs are designed to enhance vertical emission. Phase I will investigate WARC structures via computer simulation. Every effort will be made to identify a WARC structure which is manufacturable at low cost and which will greatly improve device performance without compromising reliability. Another application for WARCs is for resonant detectors which are not sensitive to angular misalignment. An optional task is to fabricate and characterize actual WARCs of designs identified in Phase I.

Phase II

Contract Number: DASG60-98-C-0032
Start Date: 11/14/97    Completed: 11/14/99
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This Phase II Small Business Innovation Research proposal is submitted as a result of a completed Phase I contract. The Phase II program will build directly upon the Phase I results, which identified vertical microcavity oxide structures that incur much lower losses than conventional oxide structures. The newly-identified structures are straightforwardly manufacturable, however there is a large parameter space of designs. The Phase II program will begin with some basic structures identified in Phase I computer simulations, adapt them to planned experimental vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and refine them, fabricate corresponding VCSELs, and compare the simulated and experimental results. The electromagnetic simulation program will be expanded to include semiconductor rate equations and other effects, creating the world's most accurate VCSEL simulation program and which will eventually be available to anyone. A second generation of more refined VCSELs will be designed, fabricated and tested, including reliability testing. Finally, the new technology will be evaluated for applicability to multi-wavelength array formation at 1.55um for wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). Multi-wavelength VCSEL arrays represent a much-lower-cost, more-controllable alternative to distributed-feedback laser arrays for WDM sources. The cavity improvements developed here will improve the performance of all VCSELs, especially at 1.3-1.55um.