This program will investigate the use of Optical Parametric Amplifiers (OPAs) for amplification of laser remote-sensing and communication signals. Lightec proposes to demonstrate a novel scheme by which very weak signals (as low as a single-photon) at 1.5 um to 3 um are amplified with at least 8 dB improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio prior to photodetection. This method holds considerable promise over conventional detection techniques and competing optical amplifiers. The proposed method for amplification of very weak signals has recently become feasible due to the availability of nonlinear crystal qualities that are conducive to efficient OPA action. It has also benefited from the recent commercial availability of single mode pulsed lasers which can be used to pump the OPA system. The Phase I effort will include experimental determination of optical losses, and amplification gain and efficiency for three different crystals in the 1.5 to 3 um wavelength range. Phase I will also demonstrate an OPA at 1.6 micron wavelength using a 1.06 micron pump laser, and will design a system for efficient continuously tunable amplification in the 1.5 to 3 micron wavelength range.