Reducing Produce Waste Via Novel Biopreservative Ingredients
Award last edited on: 2/24/2024

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Ravi Sheth

Company Information

Imvela Corporation (AKA: Kingdom Supercultures)

19 Morris Avenue Building 128
Brooklyn, NY 11205
   (513) 470-5728
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 08
County: Kings

Phase I

Contract Number: 2023
Start Date: ----    Completed: 12/1/2022
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
According to the USDA, 25% of the US fresh fruit supply at the consumer level is wasted, which equates to 9.5 billion pounds. To address consumer food waste, Imvela Corp. proposes to develop a novel, natural ingredient that reduces microbial spoilage and extends shelf life, when applied to berries after they are harvested. Our approach is innovative because we collect experimental data from a large, diverse set of naturally occurring organisms, and then use computational approaches to design novel microbial communities with synergistic properties. The power of this approach stems from our ability to rapidly explore a large design space (10s of thousands of organisms) and choose subsets of organisms with high performance properties. If awarded, we will comprehensively biobank key spoilage organisms from strawberry spoilage samples (TA1), develop and validate a screening assay compatible with key fungal spoilage organisms (SOs) that is predictive of the strawberry microenvironment (TA2), and screen our biobank for lead inhibitors of a range (at least 4) of key spoilage organisms, resulting in ~3-5 prioritized hits per spoilage organism (TA3). We expect the approach to be feasible since we have already validated our scientific platform through a patented Superculture ingredient called Monarck, and the ongoing development of a biopreservative solution for processed dairy products. A successful product will inhibit key strawberry spoilage organisms at least 25% more effectively than current solutions, with comparable dosing levels, similar pricing, and no impact on sensory or visual properties of the food. Unlike any other successful preservative on the market today, the product will be (1) clean label (i.e. natural) and not based on artificial chemicals (with the potential to be produced in an organic manner) (2) specifically designed for the strawberry microenvironment and strawberry SOs and (3) dependent on multiple mechanisms of action driving synergy and high performance in resulting spoilage prevention. Our direct customers will be post-harvest fresh produce processors and distributors and the product would ultimately help consumers prevent food waste through produce distribution to storage at home. The $1.5 billion biopreserve market indicates a high level of demand for such a product, and customer conversations have revealed that natural and clean label ingredients are a top priority.

Phase II

Contract Number: 68HERC23C0023
Start Date: 5/31/2023    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount