Remooble proposes a new class of safe, bio-derived, and bio-degradable paint removers that can strip multiple layers of coating in a single application to be developed to replace hazardous use of methylene chloride and NMP-based paint strippers: For a pant removers to be of added value to a customer it must meet the following requirements: 1. Fast acting 2. Effective over a wide variety of coatings 3. Suitable for multiple surfaces 4. Be safe, non toxic, non-flammable and bio-degradable 5. Be cost effective to the end consumer Remooble will assess derivatives of biomass platform molecules as defined by the DOE 2014 report for paint stripping applications using Hansen Solubility Parameters to identify blends of safe bio-derived solvents meeting the requirements.Molecules to be considered are derived from sugar-based platforms and are available on commercial scale today. An excessive evaluation of possible derivatives, often esters of these organic acids for paint stripping applications has not happened nor have they been considered and tested in optimized formulations. Remooble will synthesize promising candidates sand test them in formulations.Safety asessment and initial lifecycle studies will be performed using both in silico methods and the Duke Universities Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.