New pollution control technologies are needed for small oil- and coal-fired industrial boilers located throughout the United States. Although each unit is relatively small, the vast numbers of these units create a significant air pollution area sourceespecially in heavily populated areasthat emits particulate matter (PM) and other air pollutants. In the EPA boiler maximum achievable control technology (MACT) regulations, it was estimated that more than 50,000 tons of air toxics and 547,000 to 562,000 tons of particulates can be removed from the Nations air from clean burning boilers. Adherent Technologies previously has developed retrofit kits to produce clean-burning fireplaces that meet the EPA Phase II standard. In this program, Adherent Technologies proposes to develop a retrofit kit for existing industrial boilers using similar technology based on a reticulated ceramic support with a transition metal catalyst that is contained within a stainless steel housing. These units will be located between the firebox and heat exchanger and will produce additional heat and reduce fouling of the heat exchanger, both of which will improve boiler efficiency. An approximate 75 percent reduction in emissions from small boilers is anticipated using these catalytic combustors. The market for these devices is large, with an estimated 60,000 existing boilers in the United States. These low-cost devices will result in significant reductions in PM, volatile organic compounds, and carbon monoxide with the associated health benefits. Supplemental
Keywords: air pollution, air pollution control, emission control, industrial boiler, catalytic combuster, SBIR, MACT, maximum achievable control technology, air toxics, particulates, retrofit kit, emissions reduction, boiler efficiency