The Clean Air Act of 1990 has raised concern over traceconcentrations of metals in flue gas from electrical generation plants,municipal waste incinerators, and heavy industrial plants. Monitoringwill be required to determine the extent of the environmental impact andoffers an opportunity to empirically minimize it. In Phase I, EEI reachedtheir goal of achieving a minimum detection limit for mercury insimulated flue gas of less than 0.1 ppb _ 1 µg/m3. In Phase II, EEIproposes to continue the development of their instrument concept byoptimizing the instrumentation and testing a prototype on an actual coalfired plant. They expect to maintain the Phase I detection limit of lessthan 0.1 ppb _ 1 µg/m3 and, thereby, meet anticipated monitoringrequirements. Other trace metals, including Pb, Cr, Cd, and As, will bemeasured by this method