Agent Defeat Triad Polymer Technology for Enhanced HTI Counterforce Weaponry
Award last edited on: 2/26/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Roger von Hanwehr

Company Information

Solus Inc (AKA: Solus Biodefense~Butler Manufacturing)

6555 Fort Myer Drive Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22209
   (703) 351-5262
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Arlington

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Solus INC. proposes development of a Triad of Agent Defeat Polymers, termed Triad Polymer Agent Defeat or TPAD, which are designed to be directly incorporated into the standard HTI titanium boride / perboric acid / hexachloroethane HTI explosive matrix utilized by the Weapons Directorate at Eglin AFB. The triad polymer complex consists of three novel proprietary families of polymers functioning optimally The polymers will be packed and dispersed between HTI detonation elements either as compartmentalized polymer sections (Polymer Type 1), or as intimate polymer admixtures (Polymer Types 2 and 3). This technology will be tailored for delivery within an HTI strike ordinance package. An HTI strike involving the propagation of a flash fusion plasma at the blast zone will epicentrically- introduce, and concentrically spread, the vaporized agent defeat polymer ionization components outward from a target-centered detonation site. The TPAD technology will be designed to achieve total multi-spectrum agent defeat both dynamically and with residual effects, thereby insuring that any biothreat agents surviving the intial counterforce event will experience replicative failure should any potential germinative event occur downline. The polymer ionization mechanics involved will be extensively optimized using models which address clumping and distribution escape phenomena during the blast wave propagation and any subsequent potential aerosolization of surviving agent. Post Sept. 11 market studies indicate a combined defense-military-government and commercial agent defeat market of $800 million in North America alone. DOD acquisitions markets for the Triad Polymer Agent Defeat Technology (TPAD) include counterforce neutralization of biothreat agent storage and production facilities, counterproliferation interdiction activities, as well as BWA neutralization in depots, R&D storage sites, contaminated bases and post-strike/post-conflict theater terrain. In Phase III, our company will pursue incorporation of the TPAD technology into working Agent Defeat Weapon (ADW) munitions manufactured by major DOD weapons contractor who are presently being recruited as likely partners, a key objective of our pre-commercialization plan. The commercial market opportunities extend well beyond military, DOD, and intelligence community customers, to homeland defense, industrial HAZMAT and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) First Responder Forces. The potential market scope for the TPAD is thus deemed extensive, particularly since this technology has no equivalent commercial sector competitors in terms of effectiveness and breath of applications scope for neutralization of both BW and CW threats.

Phase II

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Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount