Microcomputer visualization of nuclear cloud models
Award last edited on: 8/1/02

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Ernest T Wright III

Company Information

Virtual Image Laboratories Inc (AKA: New Age Computers Inc.)

4925 Edgewood Road
College Park, MD 20740
   (301) 206-3129
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Prince Georges

Phase I

Contract Number: DNA001-91-C-0124
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The proposed effort will seek to demonstrate the utility of microcomputer visualization as an effective and low-cost validation, diagnostic and presentation tool for 3d models.The approach will be tested using TASS 3D cloud simulation output, but the methods developed will be applicable to a wide variety of 3D models. In Phase I, the proposer will (1) choose the technology for handling the transfer of the cloud data onto microcomputer storage media, (2) develop and refine a computer program for building geometric descriptions of 3D boundaries which enclose a desired volume, and (3) use existing microcomputer graphics programs and the transformed simulation data to produce still images and animations of a nuclear cloud model. The innovative heart of the approach is the custom software of step (2). This program will form a bridge between 3D models and powerful microcomputer graphics technology, making 3D model images available on micro displays, videotape, slides and prints, media which are inexpensive and accessible to a wide audience.

3D Visualizatiom Microcomputer Graphics Video Animation

Phase II

Contract Number: DNA001-92-C-0173
Start Date: 9/30/92    Completed: 7/30/94
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
DNA currently uses several supercomputer dydrocodes to create 3d models of complex nuclear burst environments as they evolve in time. Our successful phase i effort has demonstrated that microcomputers can help meet the need for a low-cost path to high quality 3d visulatization of the results of these codes. We propose to develop the prototype visualization software written in Phase I into a program to be used by DNA and distributed to the simulation community. We will provide the software support necessary for translating simulation results into a standard format understood by our program, as well as the documentation and any technical and training assistance that might be required. We will also continue our research into advanced microcomputer visulatization techniques that employ animation and full color display hardware to enhance the information content of the images. It will not be our purpose to compete with the powerful visualization facilities available on large systems, but rather to complement those facilities by offering a standard, independent and convenient small system forum for the examination and comparison of 3d results.

Microcomputer Visualization Isosurface 3d Modeling Nuclear Clouds Animation Video