The Ultra Portable Ride Quality Meter (UPRQM) is a cost-effective, flexible tool that can evolve (with minimal effort) as new GPS and accelerometer devices become commercially available. Each generation of these sensor devices is more responsive, more sensitive, and more accurate than the last generation. The time between generations is also decreasing such that accelerometer and GPS technology becomes outdated in just a matter of months. dFuzion understands how easily technology can become obsolete, and has therefore designed a flexible custom software that can adapt to emerging technology with minimal effort. dFuzion's UPRQM consists of a COTS GPS, a COTS accelerometer, and custom control software. In the Phase I effort, dFuzion developed a prototype UPRQM that integrated the most technologically advanced COTS GPS device and accelerometers available. In Phase II, dFuzion will advance the Phase I prototype to a fully functioning production UPRQM. The UPRQM will allow railroad inspectors to collect, monitor, and analyze ride quality data that is geo-spatially correlated. The inspectors can then make safety and maintenance recommendations (backed by scientific data) to ensure that the train and track are protected. Principal Investigator: Robert J. Borgovini CEO (703) 946-8961 Business Contact: Treasa B. Parakkat President (703) 946-8961 Small Business Information at