GPS, satellite, communications, positioning, navigation, tracking, location, and search the present datum marker buoy requires excess valuable aircraft time during a search and rescue. Finding and homing in on the vhf marker wastes time. The opportunity is to develop a GPS-based, self-locating BUOY we IICH transmits its accurate position via satellite communications in real time. The objectives of this program are to: (1) produce a working prototype to demonstrate that the ups navigation component can be made to work in a sonobuoy-size device, I.E to determine the fundamental issue of reaction at verylow freeboard, wave wash over, and blanking; (2) perform a study of present and near-future sources of commercially-available satellite communications systems; and(3) perform a cost study of the buoy system. The work scope includes laboratory bench testing (simulations), antenna performance and interference studies, and prototype development. A series of tests will be run at sea with prototype model is, the final test being a prototype allowed to drift for two weeks complete with gps receiver and an interim satellite communications system. The study of satft t ate communications will focus on commercial systems tobe in place in the near future, their projected costs, and compatibility. A final report will detail all engineering tests and study summaries. Res: the buoy will solve an important need and meal requirements of the USCG for a datum marker buoy. For oceanography, oil spill tracking, and environmental studies, it will provide high accuracy and lower costs than the current argos systems manufactured by horizon marine. Additional possibilities are automatic tracking of fishing vessels, merchant ships, tankers, transportation fleets, and ocean dumping monitoring.