Essential Vocabulary Builder To Prepare LEP Adults For Building And Construction Trades
Award last edited on: 11/27/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Sharyn Neuwirth

Company Information

Neuwirth Associates

13 Devon Road
Silver Springs, MD 20910
   (301) 495-5610
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Montgomery

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Building, construction, LEPs multimedia, vocabulary, VESL (vocational ESL) many occupations, among them the building and construction trades, offer economic opportunities for trained and qualified people. However, English proficiency as well as knowledge of the essential terms and concepts are prerequisites for most apprenticeship and job training programs. Neuwirth associates proposes to develop an interactive multimedia package that would help prepare beginning and intermediate vocational ESL students to learn the basic concepts and vocabulary needed to enter job training. Working with associated builders and contractors and the center for workforce education, we propose to develop vocabulary training in fifteen building and construction crafts, including welding, painting, and pipefitting. The program will integrate CD-ROM images, audio, and text to create a rich learning environment. Learners will learn to understand, pronounce, spell and use the core vocabulary of each craft in meaningful ways. Two components will be created upon completion of phase II. The first is a customizable software shell to run the program. This shell will enable teachers to add new vocabulary items, provide local dialect variations, provide translations, and create new vocabulary lessons for virtually any occupation. The second is the application program specifically designed to teach the core concepts and vocabulary of building and construction trades.Results:Phase I will include the design of the instructional shell and the development of the specific content for the building and construction crafts. Phase ii will result in the production of the complete multimedia package. Upon completion, we anticipate forming an agreement with a noted commercial publisher to produce and market the multimedia package. When completed, the program would serve a potential pool of approximately 70,000 LEP construction workers and trainees nationwide.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Many occupations, including the building andconstruction trades, offer economic opportunities for trained andqualified people. However, English proficiency as well asknowledge of the essential terms and concepts are prerequisitesfor most apprenticeship and job training programs.Neuwirth Associates proposes to develop a CD-ROM program toprepare vocational ESL students in the vocabulary needed to enterjobs and further vocational training.Two components will be created in Phase II. The first is aninnovative software shell to run the program. The software shellis generic: it can be used and re-used to generate vocational ESLvocabulary instruction for virtually any industry or trade. Thisshell offers options for customization as well, enabling teachersto add text and written translations, and to regroup items intomenus that reflect local curricula.The second component is the specific application of the shell tothe core vocabulary of the building and construction trades. Theprogram will be designed as a multimedia database, integratingimages, audio, and text to create a rich verbal learningenvironment. Learners will hear the terms used in the authenticlanguage of the workplace and practice pronouncing and applyingthe terms in meaningful ways. The proposed Vocabulary Builder hasreceived endorsements and offers of tangible support fromnational construction associations and industry leaders.

Anticipated Results:
Phase II will result in the production ofthe complete multimedia CD-ROM. Upon completion, we anticipateforming an agreement with a noted commercial publisher to produceand market the multimedia package. When completed, the programwould serve a potential pool of approximately 70,000 LEPconstruction workers and trainees nationwide.