Development of the function and utility of an expendible pneumatic mouthstick
Award last edited on: 6/19/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Daniel D Coppens

Company Information

Anholt Technologies Inc

440 Church Road
Avondale, PA 19311
   (610) 268-2758
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Chester

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Mouthsticks or orthodontic orthoses are widely used by people with spinal chord in@es or @ar disabilities to increase control over their environment. People with the ddidonal Nation of little or no anterior/posterior head motion may benefit from an extendible mouthstick. However, conunercial extendible mouthsticks suffer in that their action is often slow, extendibihty is limited, or operation is extremely difficult for those with reduced respiratory fimction. Tbus, there is an oppommity to improve the function of these devices. The ??? Dupont Institute (AIDI) has demonstrated a pneumatically powered extendible mouthstick to ameliorate these problems. A simple prototype has been constructed to illustrate the viability of pneumatic operation. However, several issues must be researched in order to develop a unit suitable for trial use.The project will study design configurations with involvement of a design review board consisting of consumers, engineers, and medical experts. A prototype Will be produced which will meet as many of the consumer,. medical, and FDA biocompatibility requirements as possible within the budget. Close'ponsideration Will be given to issues which will affect the ability for future development of the pneumatic mouthstick into a commercial product(PHASE II).

Extendible Mouthstick, Pneumatic Power, Orthodontic Orthosis, Structural Analysis, Reduced Fatigue, Powered OTthosisAnticipated Results and Implications:Phase I will yield a prototype and documentation considering novel materials, light weight power supplies, and an integrated design which will have been reviewed by a design review board. Phase H will result in the conunercial availability of the Extendible Pneumatic Mouthstick. The implications of this include an enhanced range of activities for the user and reduced fatigue due to ease and comfort of operation.Department of Education RFP Number 93-025Topic: Technologies Related to Transportadon and/or Environmenml Barriers.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount