To meet the needs of vocational and employment-related training programs, the field requires assessment measures that go beyond conventional paper and pencil, and multiple choice tests, Innovative technologies such as videos, computers, and interactive videodiscs can serve that need by presenting information in visual and auditory form, allowing test-takers to solve problems and make decisions, and facilitating test administration and scoring. To improve testing efforts, Aguirre International proposes a three phase project. Phase I will determine the feasibility of an innovative technology-based test. Phase II will develop the test and produce a short assessment guide. Phase m will disseminate the two products. Phase I will explore the feasibility of developing one well designed, educationally sound, technology-based assessment measure that is sensitive to the diversity of program contexts, practical, and cost-effective. During Phase I, we will meet three objectives: 1) Determine the needs of the field and match them with the most appropriate technology available to meet those needs; 2) outline a short assessment guide; and 3) produce a plan for the development of an innovative technology-based assessment.Summary: Phases I, II, and III of this project will result in the development, production, and dissemination of two products: a short guide on effectively using technology in assessment and an innovative technology-based assessment measure. The actual technology chosen (videos, media-integrated computers, or interactive videodiscs) and the particular language skills assessed (listening comprehension, expression, reading, writing, vocabulary) will be determined during the feasibility stage. The resulting test can be used in various ways: 1) to supplement standardized tests presently used; 2) to extend program-based assessment efforts; and 3) to provide additional learning opportunities for T PP individuals. By addressing different contexts, the test can be useful in a wide range of employment-related programs. Descriptors for various levels of proficiency will make the test appropriate as either a diagnostic/placement tool or as a progress/achievement measure.
Keywords: alternative assessment; standardized testing; employment-related; LEP; innovative technologies; assessment guideTopic 10: Development or adaptation of innovative technologies to assess job-related English language proficient individuals enrolled in vocational or employment training programs.