This project is designed to develop a computerized data collection system for early intervention programs utilizing hardware commonly available within each Early Intervention Center site. Parallel database systems will he developed for three hardware platforms, all with the ability to transfer data into a central micro-computer.Three hardware platforms are commonly used in Early Intervention sites MS-DOS, Apple ProDOS and Apple Macintosh. Custom programmed databases will be developed for each platform, with identical screens and data entry procedures. Data entry will tee identical among all platforms. Standard reports will be programmed custom reports can be designed by the operator.Remote sites will submit data to central administrators toy copying selected data onto 5 l/2 or X lJS inch diskettes and sending those diskettes to the central micro-computer. Software developed for this project will enable the central computer to identify the format of the disk and update its master database from the diskettes provided from remote sites.Anticipated Results and
Potential Commercial Applications:Phase I: Phase I will result in the ability to transfer prototype database files from an MS-DOS, Apple ProDS or Apple Macintosh computer to a single central computerPhase II: Phase II will result in the full development of parallel Early Intervention databases for the MS-DOS, Apple ProDOS and Apple Macintosh computer and the ability to transfer complete site-based database to the central computer. Common reports will be programmed into all databases, along with the ability to create custom reports in listing, label and spreadsheet formats.Commercial Application:This project will provide program and regional administrators with a sophisticated database management system that will provide accurate and timely site-based and regional data without duplication of hardware expenditures or duplication of data entry effort and expenditures. This system could subsequently be tailored to meet other data collection needs of local, state or federal programs.Key Words: Early Intervention, database, MS-DOS, Apple IIE, Macintosh, ProDosTopic 4: Development of Management Information System Software Concerned With the Needs of Disabled Individuals and Their Families