Adapatation and development of a compact portable computerized real time captioning stenograph
Award last edited on: 10/22/02

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Paul A Knaplund

Company Information

Virgus Corporation

307 Lloyd Building
Seattle, WA 98101
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: King

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Using computerized real-time captioning stenographic technology developed by Virgus Computer Systems (VCS), the principal investigator will determine any adaptations necessary to enable this stenographic technology to be of significant benefit to hearing-impaired (deaf) lawyers, jurors, litigants or witnesses in a courtroom setting. VCS, a software development and marketing firm specializing in products for the Stenographic field, has developed a computerized real-time captioning stenographic system for use by judges and attorneys, and has a courtroom using such a system in Tacoma, Washington. Research is required to ascertain the special needs of hearing-impaired lawyers, jurors, litigants and witnesses as users of this computerized real-time captioning stenographic system and to adapt and develop the system to meet those special needs.Anticipated Results and

Potential Commercial Applications:
It is anticipated that compact, portable computer technology will be found that supports the VCS real-time system currently in use. It is further anticipated that computer cabling technology is now available, or will soon be available, that will simplify the installation of computerized real-time stenographic captioning systems into existing courtrooms. Some of the possible results of the adaptation and development of this technology are seen as follows: (1) better inclusion of the hearing-impaired (estimated as more than 10% of our adult population) in the judicial process, toast: (a) enabling hearing-impaired and deaf defendants who do not use sign and oral interpreters to full understand their court proceedings as is contemplated by the Constitution, (b) enabling the jury of peers to include hearing-impaired and deaf citizens as required by lax and (c) accommodating the handicaps of hearing-impaired and deaf attorneys to allow them to zealously represent their clients in court; (2) elimination or reduction in the need (and thereby the reduction of costs) for sign and oral interpreters to assist the hearing-impaired in court, and (3) elimination or reduction in the need for 'read-backs' in court since previous testimony is available on the computer screen.Key Words: Captioning, Computerized, Courtroom, Deaf, Hearing-impaired, Portable, Real-time, StenographicTopic 1: Development or Adaptation of Devices Mechanisms, or Techniques for Disabled Individuals

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount