In the United States the media reports widespread illiteracy among adults who may not be able to read, write, speak, or communicate well enough to meet the demand of modern society. However, there is no consensus on the definition of illiteracy or supporting statistics. The U. S. Department of Education's estimate of the adult illiteracy rate is 13%. Accordingly, of the 191 million Americans 14 years and older in 1985, the number who are less than functionally proficient ranges from 17 million to 21 million persons (Irwin).There is no agreement on the costs of illiteracy, but some estimates are over $200 billion annually. The impact of illiteracy and incompetence in the work force results in low productivity, accidents, employee errors, and extra training programs. Illiteracy also troubles military services and national security.Some symptoms of functional illiteracy are the inability to address and mail a letter or to calculate correct change. To some people it means being unable to read and understand a classified ad, a road map, and street signs. Functional illiteracy sometimes results in the inability to compute one's paycheck and often being unable to compete for a paycheck.AIT proposes to design and develop an interactive videodisc training system that address fifth, sixth, and seventh grade reading level skills. This course will improve adult reading proficiency and will complement the work completed in Project READY at Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, N.C. AIT has completed Phase I of this project.Courseware development and delivery is designed for the low cost IVD hardware system. The ACT developed system, the Interactive Video Machine TM, allows for distribution at application sites such as vocational centers, community college and civic centers.The Phase II document serves as a plan for development of an interactive videodisc course. It includes a project design and analysis.Anticipated Results and
Potential Commercial Applications: After developing the interactive videodisc Ready Course, AIT will add it to the growing library of available courses . It will operate on the company's Interactive Video Machine (IVM). The distribution channels for the course and machine are already established. State and Federal social agencies and school districts will be key target markets. Key Words: Literacy, Interactive, Videodisc, Project ReadsTopic 17: Innovative Use of Technology in Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Instruction