This project is based on the premise that primary care-givers should play a major role in designing, managing, and monitoring services which support children with disabilities and their families. Respite services offers but one forum from which they can exercise these roles. Through the use of a advisory board, made up largely of primary care givers, and a national survey this project seeks to determine the scope of knowledge which care-givers have about respite services. A major focus will also be on ascertaining what care-givers need to know to become more effective consumers of these services. These activities will be supplemented by a comprehensive review which will strive to identify the resources in the professional literature that can provide a basis for developing materials for non-professionals. Care-givers will also be asked to identify the form which guide materials should take in order to be most accessible and useful to them.Anticipated Results and
Potential Commercial Applications: The Phase I activities will provide an overview of 1) that primary care-givers need and want to know about respite and 2) the form materials should take to be available to them. This information will directly inform efforts to develop a range of guide materials that will help care-giver become better consumers of respite services.Key Words: Respite, Family Supports, Disability, Rome Care, Community ServicesTopic 6: Guide Materials for Respite Care for Families with Members, who are Disabled