Although market is high and the potential for large savings exists, major bottlenecks to using microcomputer administrative/IMS packages are: (a) the inability of "canned" packages to meet specific LEA needs; and (b) the high cost of package customized by developers to meet LEA needs. User-friendly mini-authoring programs offer unique opportunities for LEAs to customize general packages to meet specific needs at low costs. No one has field-tested the feasibility of client-customized administrative applications in special education, including such elements as: (a) the level of LEA staff competencies required; (b) priority areas requiring customization; (c) the state-of-the-art of mini-authoring programs which would allow client customization; and (d) the utility of such packages to LEAs. The purpose of this project is to assess the feasibility of client-customized administrative/instructional management systems application for special education.Education Turnkey Systems, Inc., a recognized leader in studies of P.L. 94-142 at the LEA level, has designed and developed numerous special education administrative/IMS packages since1979.Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications of the Research:We anticipate ten to 20 developers of "canned" packages will invest private funds to develop client-customizing capabilities for their packages.